Last Updated on December 5, 2020

7. Argue with security agents

Security agents are there to do their job and ensure everyone’s safety. If they ask you to do something is because the safety protocol requires it. You must obey without much fuss. It’s not like they choose you for personal reasons. Arguing will only make this more time consuming and stressful for everyone involved, including you.

8. Carrying products that contain glycerin

Glycerin is one of the key compounds of explosive nitroglycerin. Therefore, it can trigger the explosive trace detection equipment that airport security use to search for explosive devices. You certainly don’t want anyone thinking you are carrying a bomb. Common products that contain glycerin include electronic cigarette liquid, skincare products, hair gel, lubricants, and medicines.

9. Slowing things down at passport control

Passengers need to be prepared to be questioned at passport control. The officer will want to know why you are traveling, for how long, where you will be staying, and other similar pieces of information. You need to answer these questions clearly and concisely to speed up the process. Also, don’t give your passport to the passport control officer inside its protective cover. This happened so often and delayed things so much that most airports now have specific signs asking people to remove the cover.


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