12 Steps You Should Take Before Leaving Your Hotel Room!


Last Updated on January 10, 2020

All-inclusive vacations can also include some meals for the day, but if you are staying for a long period of time in a place where there is a refrigerator, and there is food there that you want to keep, take it with you.

If there is something you don’t want, be mindful, and throw it away. This way the fridge will be already empty and ready to clean.

#5 – If You Have Many Takeout Boxes, Pile Them

Hotel trash cans are often not very big, and if you are best friends with Uber eats, you will probably start collecting takeout boxes all over the place. Try not to leave a mess behind a make an effort to pile up all the boxes near the trash can, if there is no space left inside.

#6 – Check What’s Between Your Mattress And The Box Spring

If your hotel doesn’t have a safe, a way to hide your belongings is to put them between your mattress and the box spring. People who clean up the rooms have found bizarre objects that can range between sex toys to weapons. But there is also a chance you can find money or jewelry, so be aware.

#7 – Put The Furniture In Place

When you are staying for too long in a hotel room, you will want to rearrange the furniture to be as comfortable as possible – after all, this space is replacing your house for the time being. But please, before you leave, be considerate enough to rearrange the furniture and leave things where you found them.

#8 – Don’t Leave Your Medication Behind

If you have to take medication daily and you forget about it in your hotel room, this can be a danger to you.

But, worst, if you have to take medication through needles and you leave them behind, this can also endanger the person in charge of cleaning. Plus, if you make a cut and use a towel to stop the bleeding, leave that towel separate so it doesn’t pose as a risk to anyone.


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