Here Are 10 Things You Should Never Ever Do at Airport Security!


Last Updated on January 17, 2020

Make sure that you properly cover your feet so that you do not end up hurting them; and this should also apply to when you are in Miami Airport, San Francisco Airport, or Berlin Airport. Have your travel luggage ready and protect your feet.

7. Overlooking Checkpoints that Are Less Busy

Inside an airport, there are a lot of checkpoints that are dedicated for airport security screenings. Therefore, you should avoid going to the one that is already crowded.

Make sure, instead, that you go to those that are less busy, which are mostly located at the far end of the airport. You should be able to locate them as you would locate parking spots in an airport parking or find awesome air travel deals and super cheap flights!

8. Giving Security Agents a Hard Time

You should always cooperate with airport security agents or TSA agents. Their job is hard as it is, which means that they do not need you to make it even harder for them.

Therefore, if you get asked to do anything during the airport security screening process, make sure that you abide by the rules. This ensures that the TSA agents can finish with you quickly, allowing them to move to the next person in line.

9. Joking about Bombs!

Seriously, you should be mature enough not to tell any joke that involves bombs or the possibility of a terrorist attack. Those words can easily trigger fear in others, so if you tell such jokes, rest assured that you will be escorted by TSA agents for a long chat!

Therefore, if you want the airport security screening to go as smoothly as possible, make sure that you keep your jokes to yourself!

10. Forgetting about the PreCheck Program

If you are a frequent traveler and do not want to spend an awful amount of time with TSA agents, you need to know that there is something called a PreCheck Program.

Therefore, if you are a person that deals too much with travel agencies and does a lot of flight-booking, you need to apply to the PreCheck program. The process is a bit lengthy, involving extensive background checks, but once you’re cleared, you get to go through airport security screening very fast.


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