10 Of The Worst Mistakes You Need To Stop Making At An Airport!


Last Updated on January 10, 2020

To avoid the huge disappointment of getting turned back at the airport, simply get a new passport or at least make sure to check the entry requirements for the country you want to travel to.

#8 – Giving the airport personnel a hard time

Most travelers have at least one complaint about airport personnel, from transportation security personnel to gate agents. However, you need to keep in mind the possibility that the person in front of you is good.

So, do your best to avoid losing your cool or giving the worker a hard time while they’re just trying to do their job. Besides, losing it will only get you delayed or even arrested. It’s just not worth it.

#9 – Not IDing your bag properly

Your bags should discretely include a tag marked with your name, email, and phone number, but never your home address for the sake of your personal security.

Also, you want to be able to quickly identify your bag on a luggage carousel as well as prevent theft, by using a unique luggage strap, a ribbon, colorful duct tape, or stickers. This is really important because unless you have cat reflexes, you won’t be able to remedy the situation once you pick a bag that’s not yours.

#10 – Last-minute airport transportation

When it comes to finding transportation from your destination airport to your hotel, making specific plans in advance can save you both money and a lot of headaches. So make sure to never leave your home without having already done your research to know exactly what to do once you’ll get to your destination.

Pre-booking is always a good idea, so it’s best to pre-book transportation if you’re headed to a resort and grab a marked taxi from the official lineup in big cities.

Let’s be honest, how many of these mistakes have you already made and what were the consequences? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment telling us all about it. We’re always happy to read from you!


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